Our Story
Our story begins in the summer of 2022, where Sam and William matched on Hinge: the modern way! Finishing up a very animated conversation about growing a copious number of plants in their respective dark apartments, they got drinks at Gold Star Beer Counter (a cozy spot in Prospect Heights known for its vinyl, incredible draft pours, and onsite bottling for trips into Prospect Park).
William arrived first, book in hand, and grabbed a table overlooking the bar. He figured—first date—it probably wouldn’t last too long. But from the moment Sam walked in, also carrying a book, everything changed. The air crackled, the lights buzzed, the music seemed to pick up. What was meant to be a casual drink turned into a seven-hour conversation filled with ideas, stories, and laughter. Time both stood still and flew by.
Eventually, after gentle nudges from the staff to wrap it up so they could close, Sam and William stepped outside and headed towards the Q train. They shared a kiss, and Sam walked home in a giddy daze, while William missed the last train to Manhattan (worth it).
But fate had other plans. Right after their unforgettable first date, both left town for weeks of travel. By New York dating standards, William assumed that was the end of it. So he was thrilled when, a month later, Sam called.
Our first photos of one another
The next date was even more of a marathon. It started early with volunteering at Meatloaf Kitchen, led to an all-day hike at Lake Minnewaska, and ended with William’s famous spicy rigatoni for dinner. It was a perfect day—one that set the tone for many more to come.
From that point on, they were inseparable. By the following summer, they fast-tracked moving in together—pressure-testing their relationship with a cross-country road trip and six weeks of living together in Beaver Creek and Mexico. Back home, they set to work transforming their Park Slope apartment into a space filled with warmth, color, and art (merging their very different styles into one massive gallery wall was no small feat).
Throughout their time together, Sam and William have built a life enriched by shared experiences. They’ve intertwined childhood comforts—like bedtime stories and movies from childhood—with new adventures. They’ve taken countless ski trips, crafted elaborate Halloween costumes from scratch, and even built eight-foot-tall, sexy vegetables by hand for Burning Man. Together, they’ve created a life that blends laughter and joy seamlessly.
We’re so thrilled to have everyone join us on our special day and consider you all part of our extended family. Thank you in advance for helping us celebrate in style. See you on the mountain!